Hi Friends! I'm so very excited to bring this review to you. I've been working on it for a while.

I thought that you might be interested in watching a compare of the two BIGGEST LUXE MASCARA launches of 2018.
So here is NARS' Climax and Hourglass' Caution. Both were gifted to me by Mecca and you can purchase them from Mecca Cosmetica, Mecca Maxima and online at: https://www.mecca.com.au/

Both of them are excellent but for different reasons. The price point is similar too. I think both pieces are works of art to be honest.
It is a Youtube video review that I hope you will enjoy!

I hope you found this very quick review helpful! Drop me an email (tashi@teacupofmakeup.com) or DM me on my Instagram (@teacupofmakeup) and let me know what you would like an in-depth review of. I hope you found this review useful. Please do subscribe to my blog so that you get non-obnoxious alerts of new posts. Subscribe by using the box below. Yours Truly with Lots of Love, TeacupOfMakeup. 待会见! 可爱的小茶杯!