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NARS X ERDEM: Loveliest Strange Flowers

Hi Friends and fellow makeup addicts! In this blog, I will be reviewing the NARS X ERDEM collaboration and there are also two looks that I have created which I will talk you through. 在这个博客中,我与你分享我对这个化妆品收藏的想法。

All photos were taken by me.


From the item you see in the photo above:

Lipsticks: larkspur*; moon orchid*; voodoo lily*; wild flower; and blood flower Palettes: fleur fatale eyeshadow palette*; night garden eyeshadow palette*; and poison rose lip powder palette*

Highlighter pencil: white phox Blush: loves me not* and loves me Mattifying Blotting Paper*

Items marked with * were gifted to me by Mecca Cosmetica (shop the collection by clicking here). Unfortunately, the cushion foundation was not available in Australia. 一些化妆产品是由Mecca Cosmetica给我的。

If you follow me on Instagram: @teacupofmakeup, you would have seen the demos and live swatches on my Instastories. If you have missed them; they are saved on my Profile Page under "DEMOS" and "SWATCHES". Click here to see them.


The Collaboration & Collection

This is a collaboration between NARS and UK based Fashion designer Erdem Moralıoğlu. This makeup collection matches Erdem's Pre-Fall Collection 2018 and hence has the same base colours (that blue grey base) and florals prints used in that fashion collection. To see that collection, click here.

To learn more about the designer Erdem Moralıoğlu, please click here and click here (two different websites).

Each item in the collection performs perfectly. The eyeshadows colours are highly pigmented and there are shades in each eyeshadow palette that can create a day time look or can be used for a more editorial/nighttime look. I would use a light hand with the eyeshadows as they are very very pigmented - gently build up the shades. The Poison Rose lip palette is very special. Again, it performs beautifully and even comes with a very good lip brush. The blushes are gorgeous but you can find substitutes for them. The lipsticks are a bit smaller than the usual NARS lipsticks but again, due to the intense pigmentation; you do not have to apply too much. The highlighter pencil is beautiful and works really well all over the face. You need them all. I am bias though. I love NARS.

集合中的每个项目表现都非常好。 眼影的颜色很强烈,每个眼影调色板都有阴影,可以创造一天的时间外观,或者可以用于更多的编辑/夜间外观。 我会轻轻涂抹眼影,因为它们非常非常的色素沉着。 毒玫瑰唇彩是非常特别的。 再一次,它表现非常出色,甚至配有非常好的唇刷。 脸红很华丽,但你可以找到替代品。 唇膏比通常的NARS唇膏稍微小一些,但是由于色素沉着; 你不必申请太多。荧光笔铅笔是美丽的,并且在整个脸上效果非常好。


Makeup Porn and Swatches

The Poison Rose Lip Powder Palette

The stand-out in the collection is this palette. There have been lip powder palettes by other brands, but this is Nars’ version. I’m glad that Nars took its time with formulation this palette as it is so beautiful. The brush is worth the price of the palette.

这款唇膏粉调色板非常独特。 我喜欢这些颜色。 口红粉可以涂在润唇膏的上面或自己涂抹。 每种颜色都有颜色并持续很长时间。 你可以混合不同的颜色来适合你。化妆刷非常好。 我喜欢它的圆形。 这把刷子就像全尺寸的刷子。

It is a shorter version of the full sized lip brush and it is a rounded lip brush. The other lip brushes I have in my collection are all flat-is.

The square on the left is a tinted lip balm which is quite moisturising and which you can wear on its own or mix with the lip powders. Each lip powder is creamy and smooth. The one to the right of the lip balm reminds me a bit of “Orgasm”.

You could even wear each of the lip powders on their own to create a lip stain look. All in all, this palette can create numerous lipstick shades. The fuchsia one stands out as it seems to be an on-trend shade.

As you can see below, each lip powder is so pigmented. They also leave a fairly even stain.

The three matte shades.

This is from one swipe.

The stain the powders leave behind.

How the lip powders look when layered on the tinted lip balm.

The "White Phox" multi-use highlighter pencil

This pencil highlighter is creamy and smooth. It might be bit hard to work with at first, especially in colder climates but you can just warm it with your body heat. The light lavender shifts between pink and blue (prismatic goodness). I like to use it on my lower lash line as it makes everything pop. Wear it all over or in specific places, it is just very pretty.

这是一个突出的铅笔,你可以用在你的眼睛,嘴唇和脸上。 颜色很漂亮。 有些灯看起来粉红色或蓝色。 它有淡淡的薰衣草色。它具有棱镜效应。

The Mattifying Blotting Paper

This might be the first blotting paper released by Nars. I can't remember to be honest. It works as well as any blotting paper. It just comes in that pretty Erdem packaging. 他们还在集合中加入了吸墨纸。 这是正常的,没有什么特别的,除了美丽的包装。

The Night Garden Eyeshadow Palette

The pretty plastic cover sheet!

This could be described as a night-time only palette but I think four of the shades (the champagne highlighter shade; the yellow; the black and the dark brown) can be combined to make a day-time look. The texture of the eyeshadows are creamy and smooth. There are two mattes in the palette: the dark brown and the black. The mattes do not feel dry to me at all.

这种眼影中的颜色可以被描述为仅适用于夜间,但我认为四种颜色(香槟色荧光笔的颜色;黄色;黑色和深棕色)可以在白天结合使用。 眼影的质地是奶油和光滑的。 调色板中有两种哑光颜色:深褐色和黑色。 遮罩对我来说根本不感觉干燥。

The Fleur Fatale Eyeshadow Palette

This would probably be the palette that most people will buy. It has a gorgeous quad on the left can be used for everyday and you can then add the dark purplish burgundy or dark blue. there is only one matte shade in this palette which is the cool toned brown on the left. I love the dark blue. It is gorgeous and has a shift to it. I would buy this palette for that blue alone! The highlighter shade is a bit like Becca’s Vanilla Quartz palette.

The quality of the eyeshadows are the same as the Night Garden palette. Rich, creamy and smooth.

这可能是大多数人会购买的调色板。 它有四种颜色可供日常使用,然后您可以添加深紫色勃艮第或深蓝色。 这个调色板上只有一个哑光色调,左边是冷色调棕色。 我喜欢深蓝色。 它很华丽。 我会为这蓝色单独购买这个调色板! 荧光笔的颜色有点像Becca的"Vanilla Quartz"。

The Lipstick Collection

I believe there are six lipstick shades.

在这个系列中,有6支口红。 我有5支口红。 颜色很深。 我喜欢我在这里展示的所有颜色。

I just had to include this. The packaging is GORGEOUS!


From left to right | 从左到右:

moon orchid is a light pink with a satin finish

voodoo lily is a unique light lavender shade with a satin finish

blood flower is the perfect red with a matte finish

larkspur is a gorgeous fuchsia shade with a demi matte finish

wild flower is my favourite. A deep dark purple with a matte finish

They are rich and highly pigmented so you do not have to apply to much to build up an intense colour.

They are smaller than the other lipsticks in the permanent collection as you can see from the photo above.

口红比永久收藏品小。 我觉得小巧可爱。

The Blushes Love Me and Love Me Not

I’ve always enjoyed Nars face products. I rarely find one that disappoints me (the collaboration with Charlotte Gainsbourg’s skin tine was a bit odd).

Love Me is a bright peach pink (on the left) and Love Me Not is a lighter cool toned pink (on the right). Each one should be built up in colour as they are intensely pigmented.

我一直都很喜欢纳尔斯的产品。 我很少找到让我失望的人。 “爱我”是一颗明亮的桃红色粉红色(左边),“爱我不是”是粉红色的淡粉色(右边)。 每一种颜色都很深。


Two Looks

NARS look 1 Fleur Fatale (using of the shades) + Love me not +Love me and Wild Flower Lipstick with the "orgasm" like lip powder in the middle of my lips to give them a fuller look. I also use White Pho in the inner corners of my eyes.

This is my "resting bitch face"

NARS look 1: Fleur Fatale + Love me not +Love me and Moon Orchid

NARS look 2: Night Garden + White Phox highlighter + Love me not + Moon Orchid + Hot Sand highlighter

NARS look 2: Night Garden + White Phox highlighter + Love me not + Moon Orchid + Hot Sand highlighter


I hope you found this very quick review helpful! Drop me an email ( or DM me on my Instagram (@teacupofmakeup) and let me know what you would like an in-depth review of. I hope you found this review useful. Yours Truly with Lots of Love, TeacupOfMakeup. 待会见! 可爱的小茶杯!



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